//Partie contenant les descriptions des objets dans l'inventaire //référence sur mission = 1, episode = 1, séquence = 1, évènement = 1 //dialogue = n° de l'objet //perso = TXO //réplique : 1 = Nom du DB de l'objet, 2 : Nom de l'objet, 3 : Description de l'objet // Only translate lines 2 and 3 [] [1.TXO] xbaume [2.TXO] Vissahid ointment [3.TXO] An ointment treasured by the Vissahids [] [1.TXO] xbol [2.TXO] Bowl [3.TXO] A little gem from the local craftsmen. [] [1.TXO] xboussole [2.TXO] Chronomantic compass [3.TXO] A relic to find my way in the Great Desert. [] [1.TXO] xfeutonr [2.TXO] Wrist Jadgar [3.TXO] A magic weapon that de-harmonizes my enemies. [] [1.TXO] xcouteau [2.TXO] Knife [3.TXO] With a blade as straight as the Queen Mother ! [] [1.TXO] xburin [2.TXO] Chisel [3.TXO] A rather primitive tool. [] [1.TXO] xherbsab [2.TXO] Sand herbs [3.TXO] They heal Chronomantic wounds. [] [1.TXO] xnautile [2.TXO] Crystal nautilus [3.TXO] A strange shell... which will guide me through this story. [] [1.TXO] xsablier [2.TXO] Hourglass of Ashes [3.TXO] A Shekandar talisman. [] [1.TXO] xseau [2.TXO] Bucket [3.TXO] An object that has hardly evolved at all in eight hundred thousand years! [] [1.TXO] xbatsond [2.TXO] Sounding stick [3.TXO] For detecting and avoiding traps in the desert. [] [1.TXO] xbhuile [2.TXO] Oil can [3.TXO] To oil the machines. [] [1.TXO] xlancfou [2.TXO] Chronophore [3.TXO] A powerful Chronomantic weapon. [] [1.TXO] xcmolet [2.TXO] Wrench [3.TXO] An indispensable tool for a handyman. [] [1.TXO] xcmines [2.TXO] Shekandar Key [3.TXO] The key given by Vel Subek. [] [1.TXO] xcecume [2.TXO] The Foam Key [3.TXO] The key to the Gates of Eternity. [] [1.TXO] xcfer [2.TXO] The Iron Key [3.TXO] The key carried by the prison guards. [] [1.TXO] xcor1 [2.TXO] The Solid Gold Key [3.TXO] Hamiata's Key [] [1.TXO] xcor2 [2.TXO] The Solid Gold Key [3.TXO] Hamiata's Key [] [1.TXO] xcor3 [2.TXO] The Gold-plated Key [3.TXO] The key to the red door. [] [1.TXO] xcoquill [2.TXO] The Shell of Time [3.TXO] It allows me to get back all my magic power. [] [1.TXO] xcrache [2.TXO] Steam sprayer [3.TXO] A spray of steam paralyzes the opponent. [] [1.TXO] xdiapaso [2.TXO] Chronomantic tuning fork [3.TXO] It emits a magical armor when it vibrates. [] [1.TXO] xdisrupt [2.TXO] Disrupter [3.TXO] An instrument connected with robot control. [] [1.TXO] xfraiche [2.TXO] Merthweed [3.TXO] Humid leaves resembling tealeaves. [] [1.TXO] xsechees [2.TXO] Dry merthweed [3.TXO] Herbert Wells, expert on the teas of Her Gracious Majesty. [] [1.TXO] xflplein [2.TXO] Full quartz flask [3.TXO] I have filled it with water from the Sea of Eternity. [] [1.TXO] xflvide [2.TXO] Quartz flask [3.TXO] A flask made from quartz and crystal. [] [1.TXO] xflueffa [2.TXO] Effahid flute [3.TXO] Only children can play it. [] [1.TXO] xgemmes [2.TXO] Black salt gems [3.TXO] This salt allows you to recover Jad Garrul. [] [1.TXO] xglobsab [2.TXO] Sand Globe [3.TXO] It contains an elixir that completely restores the Sand of the body. [] [1.TXO] xmorcact [2.TXO] Honey cactus heart [3.TXO] Its sweet aroma is quite lovely. [] [1.TXO] xpoupeff [2.TXO] Effahid doll [3.TXO] A little girl's toy. [] [1.TXO] xscharge [2.TXO] A charged Hourglass of Ashes [3.TXO] It allows me to heighten my powers or to learn new spells. [] [1.TXO] xscohier [2.TXO] The Hierarch's Seal [3.TXO] A pass with the Hierarch's Seal on it. [] [1.TXO] xseap [2.TXO] Full bucket [3.TXO] A bucket full of water. [] [1.TXO] foui [2.TXO] Sandscraper [3.TXO] I have to capture seven of these charming beasts.